Province: Santa Elena
Nearby community: Las Balsas
Creation date: 2019
Area: 244 acres
Temperature: 25ºC
Ecosystem: Dry forest
Climate: Subtropical
Altitudinal range: 80-100 m
Flora and Fauna: Lilacine Amazon (Amazona lilacina), Great Green Macaw (Ara ambiguus guayaquilensis), Ecuadorian Capuchin (Cebus aequatorialis), Bototillo (Cochlospermum vitifolium), Carob tree (Prosopis pallida), Ceibo (Ceiba trichistandra).
Las Balsas Reserve was created to protect the roosting sites of the Lilacine Amazon, an endangered bird species, endemic from Ecuador.
The Amazon Lilacine inhabits on the Coast of Ecuador and is threatened by habitat loss and illegal trafficking. This reserve also protects a population of Great Green Macaw, a critically endangered species, with less than 60 individuals in the wild.